Sydney’s most prestigious name in property
For Pillinger Principal, Brad, it was extremely exciting to grow up with his father Ronald, known as the ‘Doyen’ within the Sydney real estate industry, and in his teens and early twenties he was able to listen and observe the strategies employed whilst landmarks were created in Sydney's upper echelon real estate market.
The sale of properties such as The Hermitage, Rona, Swifts, Boomerang, Altona, Toison d'Or, Radford, Paradis Sur Mer and every house in Rose Bay Ave, were exciting to observe first-hand.
It was just as captivating to witness pioneering ideas, such as placing a real estate advertisement in the (then black and white) Wentworth Courier, as well as the traditional Saturday Herald Classified. This idea grew to become colour advertisements of half a page and more, until the Wentworth Courier grew to be a primarily full gloss real estate publication and The Sydney Morning Herald now lays over a full gloss presentation into The Financial Review..
Ron Pillinger insisted on his vendor/clients providing him with a contract of sale before he would start work on their property, well before it became law. His sons dropped office made reproductions of adverts as flyers under every door in the eastern suburbs, for Ron’s listings regularly well before it being done anywhere else as far as they are aware. Many of the ‘names’ of the houses Ron sold were named just prior to his marketing the property as part of the process.
From witnessing these history making events first hand, Brad founded Pillinger on the solid foundations of experience, knowledge and results.

"I consciously set out to achieve the same degree of respectability as would a good medical specialist and not to be a salesman, although I am a salesman and I like selling,"

Traditional values still remain
At Pillinger we believe that the traditional values of integrity, passion and honesty remain crucial to the work we do within the real estate industry. We understand that each client and each property is unique and will these traditional values with modern marketing concepts to achieve outstanding results.